I’ve been somewhat out of the habit of writing during this winter season; with not much going on in the garden there hasn’t been a great deal to report. Seed and plant catalogues have been coming through the letter box promising riches and filling my dreams with visions of overflowing borders full of flowers, but the reality at the moment is somewhat different.
As the winter sun filters through the trees on a cold morning, it lights up a work very much in the early stages of progress. I must admit to still – a year on – thinking about the old garden I was preparing to leave this time last year. The daffodils would be shooting up through the grass, the snowdrops would already be in flower and the heady fragrance of sweet box would greet me every time I stepped out of the front door. That was a precursor to a spectacular spring show.
I don’t have that here yet and I miss it.
It’s not all melancholy though. All I need to do is to think of the progress and planting that I did last year in this new garden. The side and front borders have already been cleared, restored and planted and another border at the front is now currently accepting plants too. Thinking ahead to this coming season, there’s lots to look forward to. It will be the second year for the roses in the ground and hopefully, the newly planted wisteria will wake up and take off like a rocket, just like I expect the rambling roses against the trees at the back to do. There’s a honeysuckle in the blossom tree to establish and of course, the trugs at the front and the patio pot collection. There’s a Rosa “New Dawn” waiting to be planted and a Banksiae Lutea rose waiting for its new home too. I hope “Paul’s Himalayan Musk” rose will also be joining the roster; there’s a tree at the back with its name on it.
This coming year there’s lots to watch out for and I can’t wait for it all to kick off!