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  • The Procrastination Post

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    This is an unashamedly procrastination post. I’m currently in the middle of several large jobs: Completing the border edging Pruning the roses Cleaning the patio Pruning the hedges Mulching the …

  • Making the Cut

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    As usual, I’m behind, but this time with the winter pruning of the roses, which should be finishing around now so I have time to cut the hedges before the …

  • Gardening in between rain

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    The wet weather continues and I keep slowly plodding along the border edges in between the showers and when the grass doesn’t squelch upon walking on it. That only adds …

  • Gone with the Wind

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    There’s a howling storm passing through the UK at the moment, Storm Ciara (as they’re named these days) it making itself known. It is causing havoc up and down the …

  • Starting Without Me

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    It’s been mild and wet recently. That’s a statement that would validly apply to the weather here at any time of year, not just at the end of January as …

  • Bordering on the Edge

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    Once of the most monotonous, tedious, slow and pain-staking jobs in the garden is to do the border edging. It’s also the most rewarding. I hate doing it but I …

  • January Running Commentary

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    In between my parents staying, rain squalls, storms, family get-togethers, baking and work, I’ve only managed to do little bits and pieces to advance the winter clean-up in the garden; …

  • A Subtle Return

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    First of all, I’m sorry if you’ve worried while I’ve been away from here for the last several months. I got into a cycle where the longer I stayed away …

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Sunil Patel

I'm Sunil Patel, this is me. I created the Garden at 13 Broom Acres and I open it to visitors. I also bake and write blog posts giving a "behind the scenes" look into what it's like to maintain such a garden.

Visit the blog, then come and visit the garden. We can have a good sit-down, a jolly chinwag and a relaxing cup of tea with a sinfully generous slice of home made cake.

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