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  • Haven

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    The garden is gradually maturing and developing its own character as the borders age and years pass by. Microclimates, ecosystems and food chains are forming and there’s a feeling of …

  • Distractions

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    When I looked back in the blogging calendar, I realised I had left June with barely a single post. It wasn’t intentional and sadly it wasn’t because I was on …

  • What a Load of Rubbish!

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    When we first moved into the garden, it was and overgrown blank canvas, rampant ivy covered the patio walls, carex grass and bamboo were out of control, buddleja was threatening …

  • Cordially Made

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    A couple of years ago we made an island border, it was the first large border in the garden to be dug. We planted it with various shrubs, one of …

  • At the Boundary

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    I like to be ordered and systematic wherever I can, from evacuating a plane to going around the supermarket. This systematic approach also applies to the garden. We are clearing …

  • It’s all Golden

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    Although not as pronounced as when it happens in autumn, there are a couple of weeks in spring when the sun is at a low angle in the sky and it …

  • Late Frost

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    It’s been a rather busy spring and there has been a lot of work done already that I haven’t written about as such but some highlights are: The sweet peas …

  • Eddie’s Garden

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    I’m not sure why, but I don’t put an ownership tag on the garden. I don’t say that it is “my” garden. Photos are of “the” garden, we eat in …

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author & gardener

Sunil Patel

I'm Sunil Patel, this is me. I created the Garden at 13 Broom Acres and I open it to visitors. I also bake and write blog posts giving a "behind the scenes" look into what it's like to maintain such a garden.

Visit the blog, then come and visit the garden. We can have a good sit-down, a jolly chinwag and a relaxing cup of tea with a sinfully generous slice of home made cake.

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