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  • Wall Hangings

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    The garden is bounded by fences and hedges, but within, there are a couple of noteworthy walls, the main one being the patio wall that separates the upper terrace from …

  • Heaven Sent Heaven Scent

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    Spring has been wonderfully warm, with a stubborn high pressure system sitting over the south of the UK we’ve enjoyed long sunny days with gloriously blue skies and little white …

  • Blood and Roses

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    Eyes squint from facing into direct sun, arms tremble from being held above head-height, hands shake, fingers twitch. Just one more knot needed to tame the rose and fix it against …

  • Mad March Mulch

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    The bags of soil had been sat on the drive for weeks, just sat, not doing much, covered with bright blue tarp to keep the rain off. With late winter …

  • The Anniversary

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    On this day, exactly three years ago, we moved to the South East (UK) and everything changed. Not only did we move house, but with that we moved garden. The …

  • February, Highs of Fifteen

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    It’s meant to be the coldest month of the year, but it doesn’t feel like it. We’ve had some really stunning, warm sunny days. I’ve enjoyed looking at them from …

  • OK, Panic

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    Most people will find the following picture of a red Camellia flower in the process of opening somewhat blurred and unassuming. Indeed the awkward angle, wet weather and dull sky doesn’t …

  • Winter Pause

    by Sunil
    by Sunil

    I haven’t been writing much on the blog in the last few weeks as I’ve been concentrating on completing a book that will be coming up to three years since …

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Sunil Patel

I'm Sunil Patel, this is me. I created the Garden at 13 Broom Acres and I open it to visitors. I also bake and write blog posts giving a "behind the scenes" look into what it's like to maintain such a garden.

Visit the blog, then come and visit the garden. We can have a good sit-down, a jolly chinwag and a relaxing cup of tea with a sinfully generous slice of home made cake.

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